Bravo Tours Blogger Activity Overview Social media activity with focus on the benefits of charter travels and the All-Inclusive concept for families with small children. Challenge Although Bravo Tours is among the three largest travel agencies in Denmark, social media...
Linking HÅG to a healthy home office Overview Emphasizing the importance of having a high quality and ergonomically correct office chair when designing your home office. Challenge More and more people are working from home, but a lot of them don’t consider the...
Scientific symposium on fruit juice Overview Addressing myths and misunderstandings about fruit juice among health professionals and the scientific community. Challenge Fruit juice is a delicious and healthy beverage category, but in the last few years it has acquired...
Brand awareness with Influencer Marketing Overview Making the Danish consumer aware of Tchibo by building brand knowledge through Influencer Marketing. Challenge Tchibo is one of Germany’s largest retail chains and online shops. When we started our collaboration in...